Lotus Water Drops

Lotus Water Drops - 1 Lotus Water Drops - 2 Lotus Water Drops - 3
Lotus Water Drops - 1 Lotus Water Drops - 2 Lotus Water Drops - 3

H2O is the primary ingredient when brewing coffee, and thanks to the Lotus Water Drops, customising your water chemistry to enhance the clarity and flavour a coffee has to offer has never been easier! 

Each complete set of 4 bottles contains sodiummagnesiumcalciumand potassium drops to customise and re-mineralise your distilled brewing water. Explore and compare the different recipes and possibilities of a single coffee by tailoring the mineral content in your water using the precision dropper. Both fun and easy to use, Lotus Water is a great way to achieve your desired mineral content levels and brew delicious coffee consistently.

If you would like to read more on this, we highly recommend this blog post by the one and only, Scott Rao.

All product prices exclude VAT.

Magnesium Chloride
Sodium Bicarbonate
Calcium Chloride
Potassium Bicarbonate
We recommend you use this product alongside the Zero Water Jug